Jewish Preparation for Married Life

The journey into Jewish marriage requires the kallah (the Jewish bride) be gently introduced to the holy Jewish practice of family purity.

The Kallah Teacher is responsible for taking the kallah on this journey, preparing her for the practices of marriage and mikvah.

For those getting married in Israel, these lessons are required prior to a Rabbinute recognized wedding and prior to the use of the mikvah.

Lessons can be abbreviated for the minimally religious, tailored for the modern, or in depth for the litvish, chassidic or Chabad kallah.

Lessons may be in person or via Zoom for those throughout the world.

Available in English, עברית and אידיש.

Email to schedule today!

What is the holy secret of Jewish marriage?

Why do Jewish marriages using this secret have remarkably low levels of divorce?

Prepare your daughter or get a refresher for yourself to get the best out of your marriage!

Email to schedule today!


Contact us in English, עברית and אידיש.

Email to schedule today!

Jewish Preparation for Married Life

The journey into Jewish marriage requires the kallah (the Jewish bride) be gently introduced to the holy Jewish practice of family purity.

The Kallah Teacher is responsible for taking the kallah on this journey, preparing her for the practices of marriage and mikvah.

For those getting married in Israel, these lessons are required prior to a Rabbinute recognized wedding and prior to the use of the mikvah.

Lessons can be abbreviated for the minimally religious, tailored for the modern, or in depth for the litvish, chassidic or Chabad kallah.

Lessons may be in person or via Zoom for those throughout the world.

Available in English, עברית and אידיש.

Email to schedule today!

Jewish Preparation for Married Life

The journey into Jewish marriage requires the kallah (the Jewish bride) be gently introduced to the holy Jewish practice of family purity.

The Kallah Teacher is responsible for taking the kallah on this journey, preparing her for the practices of marriage and mikvah.

For those getting married in Israel, these lessons are required prior to a Rabbinute recognized wedding and prior to the use of the mikvah.

Lessons can be abbreviated for the minimally religious, tailored for the modern, or in depth for the litvish, chassidic or Chabad kallah.

Lessons may be in person or via Zoom for those throughout the world.

Available in English, עברית and אידיש.

Email to schedule today!